I have to confess that I have serious commitment issues. I start something up and i'm very excited about it for a few weeks but then I get bored and stop pursuing it.
I'm not talking about my relationships with men. I'm talking about the ones I have had with various fitness regimens over the years.
I've tried many different things when it comes to achieving a good personal exercising habit. I've had gym memberships, which I always end up cancelling. Once was because I got cable and was planning on using the fitness channel...that lasted about a day. I've also tried make use of my apartment gyms but I usually end up quitting before I get any real work done. The weights I purchased for home a few years back have ended up being one more thing for me to stub my toes on. Needless to say. It's been a tough battle against myself.
hey.don't judge me for being honest.
These are just a few of things I've tried to do in order to stay in shape but for some reason...I haven't really been able to get any of them to stick. With the crazy schedule I have had lately and everything in between, it's funny how fitness gets pushed to the bottom of my priorities list.
You would think that if something makes you feel better and look better that it would be higher up on the totem pole, right?
So. DETERMINED to break the cycle, I have taken up running and have been going bright and early 3-4 times a week with my good friend KM. AND I have been doing so for the past 2 months. I know I think I've set some sort of personal record here.
I have discovered that as hard as it is for me to get up in early in the mornings, I seem to have the most energy to exercise before the day takes it's toll on me.
I have discovered that as hard as it is for me to get up in early in the mornings, I seem to have the most energy to exercise before the day takes it's toll on me.
...you know. once I can get my eyes to stay open.
So most weekday mornings at 5:15am, KM calls me to make sure I get out of bed for our run (yes I am spoiled). First rule for me and working out...have a BUDDY! I hate to admit it but if there isn't anyone waiting on me, 8 times out of 10...i'm going back to sleep. Thankfully I know KM is going to meet me at the track and I hate to let people down. Finally figuring this out has been one of the main keys to being able to get back on track.
When we first started out it had been a long time for both of us, so we did 4 minutes walking 2 minutes running. Sounds pretty easy doesn't it? Well to a couple of girls that haven't been working out for a while it was kind of tough. I'm not gonna lie. But we managed somehow and have been able to walk for 2.5 and run for 5 (hills before mountains people).
KM found a couple of great articles that helped us decide to start running, one from Woman's Health Magazine and another from runnersworld.com. They are both really good and have some great tips for first time runners. The ten week schedule is good but we're aren't technically "where we're supposed to be". So if you decide to try it for yourself don't be discouraged if you're not meeting the timeline. The first few weeks were hard (and we still have difficult days from time to time) but we have persevered and it's now become a normal part of my routine.It really makes my whole day better.
Recently we've started running every other day rather than trying to go every morning. The main reason being, we were having trouble with our legs getting too sore and not being able to finish out the week. Most things I have read say it's good to give your legs a break and not run every day. In order to avoid disrupting our new morning schedule we've been going to the gym on the off days and working on the machines. Its productive because we're able to work on the rest of our body and build up muscle on our legs to increase that running power;) I have definitely noticed some differences in the way I look but mostly in how I feel.
Well this has been one routine that I've actually been able to keep up. With a good friend and plenty of information on the internet....I seem to able to tackle even the most difficult every day challenges:)
Who knew?
Yes! We're doing a good job! Now I just need make sure Shawn doesn't make a habit of turning off my 5:15 alarm so I can wake up to call you ... Ugh. Haha.
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