Friday, October 16, 2009

The first of many

So. It's after midnight. I'm (still) sitting on the couch watching junk tv (it happens to be a re -run of The Guardian on the sleuth channel). Yes. Welcome to my Friday night. Please don't feel sorry for me though, with the crazy week I have had, a night on the couch was just fine with me. In the hopes of completing something semi-productive this evening I thought I would get started with my very first post for this year on my new blog. 

I really should be working on homework but honestly...I'm just not in the mood. I'm not your typical student. School isn't an "experience" for me, honestly it's just another job:) It's sad but true. Don't get me wrong I'm all about getting an education but it's nothing that I look forward to and can't WAIT until I get done. Please don't bother asking me how much longer I have because first, I still to this day don't know and secondly, from what I do know I'm embarrassed to say how long I think it will take...In spite of my pessimistic views I press on and I know I will reach my destination..eventually;) 

I'm excited to have the new blog set up and ready to go. Especially since I have to do EVERYTHING the hard way and it seemed to take me forever to get it worked out. The fact that I had it nearly done and then accidentally deleted the entire HTML code probably played a part in that...but oh well. Like I said I wasn't doing anything else anyway so I guess it was OK that I repeatedly frustrated myself pressing the wrong buttons because I was too interested with the fact that Nicholas's baby's momma was giving birth to their child with down syndrome the same day he is also getting fired from partner at his father's law firm...junk tv...see what it does to your priorities?

So plans for the weekend include watching the UT game and enjoying the fact that everyone and their MOM is out of town...sweet! no traffic and the weather is supposed to be fantastic. 

So that's all I can scrape together to write this late at night. I plan on watching this episode then heading to bed...I'd turn it off now but Lulu's grandma has just been physically abused in the nursing home and I am going to have to finish this one out. 

What WOULD I do without DVR? 

Probably homework. hah. oh well. So glad it's the weekend.