I've recently moved into a new apartment and ever since have become increasingly overwhelmed by the massive amount of crap I own. Because of this feeling I am in a mood to either turn my stuff into something I like to look at or throw it away. I have been known to have several projects going on at once when I find myself in a mood like this one. So here it is, Thursday, and I have successfully completed two projects for my bathroom, rearranged my bedroom, and thrown away random pieces of furniture that have been moved one too many times and subsequently passed from the useful zone into the junk one.
So project number one is a copy cat DIY project that I stole from my good perfect insane friend R, check out her blog here.
I fell in love with the jewelry holder she made and felt the need to create my own. I have several pairs of earings but rarely wear any of them because they are in a mess of a drawer underneath my sink.
Taking R's advice I moved on to a more heavy duty wire to avoid any tearing. Not quite as fancy looking but much more durable.
Just like that, jewelry I forgot I own! This was a simple project all that was needed was an 8x10 picture frame, a piece of scrapbook paper, an 8x10 piece of sturdy wire mesh (easily found at Lowes or Home Depot), and a good pair of wire cutters to get the size right. A glue gun is a good idea for the paper but I didn't feel like digging mine out of the box I'm sure it still resides in so tape worked just as well. Attach the paper to the backing insert of the photo frame. As for the wire, the original plan was to use a staple gun to attach it to the inside of the frame. However, I found that once I cut it to the perfect size with the cutters it fit in nice and tight and didn't need to be stapled.
So the second project was an attempt to tackle the same problem in regards to my necklaces. I had been searching for the perfect little shelf I could use for this purpose but I only found one's that were more than I was willing to pay. Instead I went to the unfinished wood section at hobby lobby and found two tiny shelves with shaker knobs that were perfect for hanging things on. They were both less than $2.00! Of course I needed to buy acrylic paint, I purchased a solid white for a base coat and a nice butter cream color to finish with.
I applied two base coats and let it dry before applying the final color. Great thing about acrylic paint is it's around .99 cents a bottle and only takes an hour to dry:)
I am quite happy with the finished project, but the pictures don't really do it justice. Wow accessible jewelry that also decorates my wall...yay:)
I <3 projects.
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