Hello to my mass of followers! Don't worry..I'm still alive. Just thought I'd post a short update on what's going on with my life.
Please.Brace for excitement.
Tomorrow I start my FINAL semester of school. How excited am I? How HAPPY? Ready to get it over with?? Well...all of the above.
In truth, I couldn't be less motivated. I nearly passed out trying to print out the syllabuses today. Really.I just can't care. Someone help, I've got a ridiculously serious case of senioritus. I mean...I've never liked school but now I'm feeling a little...numb to it.
oh well.
It could also have something to do with the fact that I have just returned from our annual beach trip. I should be laying out right now. on the beach.with my kindle.
Just so you know.
Other than that...life is good. It's hundred billion degrees outside....but to me that just means there's still time for pool dates with my girls. go team.
And now a picture from the beach!! It was storm day. I <3 storm days.

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